A 1984 Ford car driven by 26-year-old John Francis Tippett Jr. of Lexington Park went past a stop sign at Wynne Road and hit the passenger side of a southbound 1997 Chevrolet Camaro on Route 5, knocking it across the road into a ditch, according to a sheriff’s office report. The Ford car also went across the road and hit a pole and some parked vehicles.
Camaro driver James, 20, of Scotland and passenger Joshua, 20, of Pine City, N.Y., were taken to St. Mary’s Hospital. Joshua was transferred to the Washington Hospital Center in critical condition, deputies report, and a hospital spokesperson said Thursday that the patient now is in fair condition.
Tippett’s passengers, Joseph Donald Thompson Jr., 23, and Clayton Slade Lore, 39, both of Ridge, also were hurt in the crash, deputies report, but court papers state that Tippett left the scene. Tippett, on home detention for violating probably from a forgery conviction, called the county jail Monday, court papers state, and sheriff’s officials said Thursday that he has been arrested.