A Marine Mother's Love

Because I am your mother and I love you,
I have endured the last 13 weeks of your being away from your family,
Often facing each day, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Because I am your mother and I love you,
I found the strength to sign the papers and let you go
because I knew it was what you wanted and you needed to grow.

Because I am your mother and I love you,
I somehow found a way to make it through those long weeks,
praying and counting each and every day.

Because I am your mother and I love you,
I hold you very close in my heart,
Reminding myself daily, of why we are apart
and your ambition to succeed as a United States Marine,

Because I am your mother and I love you,
I have faithfully stood by your side.
My heart soared when I saw you standing so straight and tall,
and I was filled with overwhelming pride.

Because I love you so much,
I willingly face this time in your life when you are
spreading your wings with love and understanding.
I know some would not choose to be a "Marine's Mother,"
but I wear that honor with pride.
You are my son, and I'm proud of who and what you are,
and I love you with all my heart and soul.
As I stand here and watch you go off to a foreign land,
My eyes full of tears and my heart bursting with pride,
I realize that I am your Mother and I must be strong.

Because I am your mother I will write or email
you every day while you are on float,
and cherish every little word I get from you.

Because I am your mother I will try not to be terrified
when you call and tell us that you are in a hostile country,
on the ground. I will try to think only positive thoughts.

Because I am your mother I will pray each night
that guardian angels watch over you and keep you safe.

Because I am your mother I decorate the oak trees outside
with the yellow ribbon tied securely so it can weather all the many
changes that go on every day and let everyone know
that someone we love and cherish is missed and thought of every minute.

Because I am your mother I stand with bated breath and watch the huge ship
come in with you on it, thanking God every minute for keeping you safe.
The hug I receive from you will be one of the sweetest moments of my life.

Because I am your mother I will always be proud that you chose to serve
your country and be a UNITED STATES MARINE.

Written by Gloria Ray Harrison

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