My Son the Marine

"Hey, mom, guess what?" I heard him say.
"I'm joining the Marines today."
He met my laugh with solemn stare,
Which told me more than I could bear.

For weeks I sat in quiet grieving,
Knowing, soon, that he'd be leaving.
I watched with tears as he departed,
Feeling, oh, so, broken-hearted.

But as his training came to end,
I saw boy and man begin to blend
Into a military man
Who wanted to protect our land.

Then one unforgetful day
A madman came from faraway
To start a war that would last for years,
Reminding me of all my fears.

And now our sons are called to serve
To defend us all with no reserve.
Worried, though he fights for freedom,
Forgive me, but I'm still his mom.

Maureen A. Grafton
Fond du Lac, Wi

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