James, my son, and Josh, his friend are both Marines
and were in a serious car accident September 14, 2002.

A car, driven by a man that had been drinking,
ran through a stop sign and crashed into the passenger side of James' car.
James has minor injuries and is doing okay.

Josh was in the passenger seat.
Josh is in critical condition and in need of lots of prayers.

Please send lots of prayers and healing thoughts out to Josh!

UPDATE!! 12/20/2002

James is back to work full time as of Thanksgiving.
He's still dealing with the emotional side of the accident.

Josh is still in the hospital - over 3 months now
His recovery is going well and he's working on rehabilitation
He is still in a lot of pain but he says, "thank goodness I'm still alive"
He thanks everyone for their cards, thoughts and prayers

UPDATE!! 10/13/2002

Josh and James are starting physical therapy on Tuesday.
Josh has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital.
James is back on duty at his base.

Newpaper article about crash
James' Bio

Another Day
The Brotherhood
Courage Within
Devil Dog Breed
A Family of Marines
A Mother's Prayer for her Marine
My Son the Marine
"Owed" To A Marine's Mom
The Few, The Proud, The Marines (A Story of Creation)
Somebody Cares
Went to a Party, Mom
When God Created a United States Marine

Arrive Alive, Don't Drink and Drive
Drunk Hunters Web Page

To subscribe to this group, email: USMCMoms2-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

This site is a member of National Group Rides And Designated Drivers' "Link Around the World" to help spread the word about the dangers of drunken driving. You too can show your concern by copying and pasting this link into your web site and Joining


© 2002 bjhughes@erols.com

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